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mr koopmans having his head shaved

Jump Rope for Heart - HUGE success!!

Lochside families and friends - you are all absolutely incredible!

We had set a school goal to raise $1000 for Jump Rope for Heart and you absolutely blew this goal out of the water! A whopping $3163.55 was raised for this amazing charity!

Our very own Mr. Koopmans had raised the bar high by volunteering to shave his head if we reached our goal - so out to the courts after lunch he went with some of the lovely folks from our SD63 and Vancouver Island University Hairstylist Program to have his head shaved. If you have any interest in becoming a hairdresser in the future, please check out this dual credit program run through our District Continuing Education School.

The energy and excitement in the school on Friday was palpable as every division took turns participating in the jump rope for heart activities; and then cheering on Mr. Koopmans as he had his head shaved.

Thank you to every teacher and helper who made this day such a huge success!